Legal and Moral Issues with Social Media's Effect on Students' Academic Performance


  • Hang Li Software College, Shenyang Normal University, China
  • Muhammad Ibrar Software College, Shenyang Normal University, China
  • Kausar Khan Ilma University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Jiachi Wang Software College, Shenyang Normal University, China


Social Networking Sites, Academic Performance, Study Habits, Learning Materials, Education


This study examines the potential effects of social media on students' academic performance with an emphasis on any relevant moral and legal issues. The main goals are to determine the link between social media use and study habits and to investigate the reasons why students use social media. 120 students from the Government Degree College Lund Khwar Mardan were randomly selected by department and age. Data was gathered using a questionnaire, and analysis was done using descriptive statistics. The research reveals that most teenagers use social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp for socializing, for fun, and for educational purposes including joining study groups and accessing online resources. The findings show that social media can improve academic performance; nevertheless, excessive use may lead to poor exam performance. Students should therefore be mindful of the ethical and legal implications of their social media use and strive to balance it with their academic responsibilities.




How to Cite

Li, H., Ibrar, M., Khan, K., & Wang, J. (2023). Legal and Moral Issues with Social Media’s Effect on Students’ Academic Performance. IJLAI Transactions on Science and Engineering, 1(2), 1–13. Retrieved from

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