Information For Authors

Information for Authors

1. Submissions

The IJLAI transactions on Science and Engineering is welcoming contributions related with the journal's scope. Manuscripts should be typewritten in English only. All manuscripts are evaluated as either "Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision and Reject". Accepted articles will be published immediately. The author(s) will be responsible for proofreading the paper.

Template files are available below. 

WORD Template Download here: Template_IJLAI.docx. LaTex Template Download here: LATEX.

2. Peer Review Process

For all submissions to IJLAI transactions on Science and Engineering, a prescreen process will be conducted by Editors. Some manuscripts will be declined without sending out for review, if the works reported are not sufficiently novel or important to merit publication in the journal, or of limited interest to the target audience. At least two experts in related fields will be consulted for manuscripts selected for further review.

3. References

References should be listed at the end of the main text. All in-text citations (references) should be listed in order, that is, [1], [3,4], [6-9], etc. In the References, each citation should be written in the order of appearancein the text. The normal form of listed references is author's initials, surname; article title; journal name (abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th edn); volume number; issue number; page numbers; year.

4. Copyright/Offprints

Manuscript submitted to this journal signifies that it has not been published previously, has not been copyrighted, is not been submitted elsewhere and the author(s) agrees that the copyright (Copyright-form) for article will be transferred to the publisher upon acceptance of the article. It is authors' responsibility to provide their correct contact information (affiliations and emails), and the journal office takes no responsibility to verify the information. If authors provide false contact information, then their submissions will be rejected, and their published papers will be retracted as soon as it becomes clear.

5. Article Processing Charges (APC)

After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author (or the author's institution or company) will be approached with a kind request to pay a reasonable charge to cover part of the cost of publication. The charge amount for each accepted article is 500.00$USD, which will take effect from January. 1, 2025.

Further offprint can be ordered at extra cost at the proof stage.

6. Subscription price

Ali Institute of Research & Skill Development publishes a quarterly journal, IJLAI Transactions on Science and Engineering, which contains the original articles, reviews and short communications of a high scientific technology with highlighting topics of current interest in networking security. Individual subscriptions to IJLAI Transactions on Science and Engineering are available at US$12.00. Price includes postage, packing and handling charges worldwide. Please make your payment payable to "IJLAI Transactions on Science and Engineering". Any subscription questions should be sent to office email. For subscriptions, Bank information is as follows:

Title of Account: Ali Institute of Research & Skill Development

Account Number: 1029279392925

Bank Name: United Bank Limited

Branch Code: 1029

Full Address of Bank: Ameen Dargai Branch Malakand Agency, Post Code: 23060, Tehsil Dargai, District Malakand, KP, Pakistan.

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